Product Information
Homeworld Naboo
Created 176 BBY
Manufacturer Duwani Mechanical Products
Product line T series
Model TZ-series utility droid
Class Utility droid
Technical specifications
Height 0.96 meters
Gender Neutral programming
Sensor Color Red
Chassis Color Gold and white
Equipment * Concealed blaster
* Credit reader
* Earphone binary-to-basic
* Hidden holster
* Holographic game system
* Interference generator
* Internal commlink
* Improved sensors with
* Translator unit (DC 15)
Chronological and political information
Affiliations ?

TZ-M1, also called Teezy, is an ancient astromech droid companion of Gamm Gry.

He is a hardcore gangster

No bolt.

Cost 9,220c


Suspicious (s): The droid doesn't trust an individual, a corporate or government entity, or some other group, no matter how much its masters
or others attempt to convince it otherwise. It treats the object of its suspicions as unfriendly at best.

Impulsive (s): The droid makes snap judgments or decisions, thinking only in the short term, which might be as short as only a few seconds.


Modified T3-Series Utility Droid Statistics (CL 0)

Small 2nd-Degree Droid Nonheroic 2

Initiative: +2; Senses: Darkvision; Perception +3

Languages: Basic (Understand only), Binary, Huttese (Understand only), Twi'leik (Understand only)


Reflex Defense: 12 (Flat-Footed: 11), Fortitude Defense: 9, Will Defense: 10

Hit Points: 5, Damage Threshold: 9

Immune: Droid Traits


Speed: 6 Squares (Wheeled); Magnetic Feet

Melee: Electroshock Probe +0 (1d8-1 (Ion))

Ranged: Stun Ray +1 (3d6 (Stun))

Base Attack Bonus: +1; Grab: -3

Base Stats

Abilities: Strength 8, Dexterity 12, Constitution -, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 11, Charisma 7

Feats: Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Training, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)

Skills: Deception +3, Mechanics +13 (+15 to Diagnose Problems), Perception +5, Pilot +7, Stealth +11, Use Computer +7

Droid Systems: Wheeled Locomotion, Magnetic Feet, Heuristic Processor, 5 Tool Appendages, Diagnosis Package, Internal Storage (2 kg), Improved Sensor Package, Darkvision

Possessions: Stun Ray (As Blaster Pistol, set to Stun), Astrogation Buffer (Storage Device, 10 Memory Units), Electroshock Probe, Fire Extinguisher, Electronic Arc Welder, Holorecorder, Holoprojector

Availability: Licensed; Cost: 3,500 credits

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